Other Publications Year : 2018

OIE annual report on antimicrobials agents intended for use in animals. Better understanding of the global situation. 3rd report


On 21 September 2016, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a political declaration aimed at combating the global threat posed by antimicrobial resistance, confirming the necessity of a ‘One Health’ approach. The Directors General of the tripartite collaboration –OIE, WHO and FAO –supported this declaration and will in addition to the recommendations of the Interagency Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance, provide a report on the implementation of the political declarationfor the UN Secretary General to submit for consideration by Member States at the 74thsession of the General Assemblyin September 2019.
Les chiffres issus d'un nouveau rapport publié ce jour par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE), montre un progrès à l’échelle mondiale, des réglementations ainsi que du suivi de l'utilisation des agents antimicrobiens chez les animaux. Ce rapport a pour objet de renforcer la capacité de chaque pays à recueillir des données essentielles sur l'utilisation des agents antimicrobiens chez les animaux.
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anses-02077003 , version 1 (22-03-2019)


  • HAL Id : anses-02077003 , version 1


Delphy Gochez, Gérard Moulin, Margot Raicek, Elisabeth Erlacher-Vindel. OIE annual report on antimicrobials agents intended for use in animals. Better understanding of the global situation. 3rd report. 2018, pp.1-131. ⟨anses-02077003⟩


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