Quelle complémentarité pour les dispositifs en santé travail (Evrest, MCP, Sumer, RNV3P) : un exemple à partir des métiers de l’aide à domicile chez les femmes ?
Different health and work databases exist in France and the Occupational Health National Plan 2016-2020 asked to map them. Complementarity and intersection were studied for four of them. Sumer studies occupational expositions using occupational health practitioner expertise. Evrest studies working conditions perceived by workers and health, independently of his link with work. MCP studies pathologies caused by work and describes suspected link with exposures. RNV3P describes associations between exposures and pathologies and establishes an imputability degree, using scientific criterias and not medico-legal criteria.
The aim of this article is to show complementarity of 4 systems (Sumer, Evrest, MCP, RNV3P), using the example of a study describing women home help workers (WHWW).
In each system, WHHW were compared with other women workers. Then, results from each system were compared.
Population was composed by 425, 10,852, 797, 463 WHHW and 10,966, 263,384, 26,245, 11,253 other women workers for Evrest, MCP, RNV3P et Sumer databases, respectively. By comparison with other women workers, WHHW were significantly older, working part-time, exposed to occupational physical and biomechanical constraints and had more often musculo-skeletal affections, but mental affections were not more frequent. RNV3P recorded cutaneous and respiratory pathologies whereas MCP did not.
Bring together, the 4 systems give more information even if they don’t study same populations: for example, about different points of view of workers and occupational health professionals, about health problems differences when studying pathologies in general in workers or occupational diseases, about occupational pathology declaration to the social health system…
Plusieurs bases de données existent dans le domaine de la santé au travail et le Plan National Santé Travail en a demandé une cartographie. Quatre d’entre elles sont analysées du point de vue de leur complémentarité et intersection. Sumer explore les expositions aux risques professionnels via l’expertise du médecin du travail. Evrest étudie les conditions de travail du point de vue des salariés ainsi que leur santé. MCP recense les pathologies en lien avec le travail et les expositions suspectées d’en être à l’origine. RNV3P identifie des associations entre expositions et pathologie via la cotation d’une imputabilité sur des critères scientifiques et non médico-légaux.
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